2-for-1 GF Muffin Recipe

blueberry muffins

In case you’re wondering why I’m posting so many grain-free (gluten-free) recipes lately and in case I haven’t mentioned it, we have given up grains again. This time I really think we will make it through. I don’t believe it will be a lifelong endeavor. I think that the over-consumption of grains have caused health problems of epic proportions in this country.

Quick side note: Not only are grain products knowingly consumed in huge quantities, grain is found in almost every food that is processed with the exception of some items labeled gluten-free. In addition, all the meat sold at most stores (unless specifically marked grass-fed and finished) were fed grain for at least part of their lives (and certainly the last months). I believe this may have contributed to the problems associated with gluten sensitivities.

I think that those problems are reversible (just like my arthritis was) and I think that in moderation, someday we can enjoy them again. Only time will tell. So, this is a heads up that most of the recipes you will see here, at least for a while, will probably be grain-free.

Being grain-free for several weeks now (with the exception of white rice in some sushi I ate), I was starting to wish for some kind of bread to add some variety to our meals. Since we’ve mostly stayed away from desserts and sweets with the exception of liquid stevia and a tiny amount of raw honey now and then, I was torn when I started thinking of making some almond flour bread. The recipe is very similar to the muffin recipe. In the end, I decided to make both: almond flour rolls and almond flour muffins. To do that, I mixed up a double batch of the basic recipe, then separated the batter and added the final touches. A few years ago I found an almond flour muffin recipe on About.com. I used that recipe, left out the sweeteners, worked with it a bit and came up with an almond flour bread recipe. I hadn’t seen one prior to creating mine. When I went back to About.com to look up the muffin recipe (easier than digging through my recipe book, which is a disorganized mess), I found the author had changed the recipe to include adjustments for bread. Though not exactly like my recipe, it is very similar. What can I say? Great minds think alike! Anyway, I decided to use this recipe with (as always) my own tweaks. You can find the original here. Laura Dolson is an awesome low carb resource.

Basic Almond Flour Muffin Mix
double batch

4 cups almond flour
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter, melted (I used ghee)
8 fresh eggs
2/3 cup water

Measure dry ingredients into a bowl.
dry ingredients

In a separate bowl, add all wet ingredients.
wet ingredients

Mix ingredients in each bowl until well combined.
ingredients mixed

Combine wet ingredients with dry and mix well.
ingredients combined

Now that you have your base recipe, you can decide what you want to bake. If you want to make sweet muffins, you can add sweetener equal to 1/3 cup (adjust to taste) and any additions you choose. I chose blueberries. If you want to make a “roll” to use for bread, you can add spices according to your taste. Here’s what I used:
bread spices

Preheat oven to 350o. Separate batter if using for 2 different products.
In the muffin batter (1/2 the basic batter), I added the following:

30 drops liquid stevia
3 fresh blueberries for each muffin

The muffins weren’t very sweet, so next time I will do some adjustments to the recipe. I used a regular muffin pan, greased with butter.
muffin pans

After filling each cup 2/3 full, I placed 3 blueberries on top and slightly pressed them down, like this:
blueberries in muffins

Then I baked them for 15 minutes and got exactly 12 muffins out of it.
muffins cooked

Let cool for about 10 minutes then remove to cooling rack.
muffins cooling

In the bread batter (1/2 the basic batter), I added the following:

2 tsp onion granules
large pinch (or sprinkle) each of garlic salt, turmeric, and cumin

Butter pan. I used this muffin top pan for my bread rolls.
muffin top pan

I filled each section about 2/3 full.
fill muffin top pan

I baked them for about 15 minutes and got 10 rolls total.
almond flour rolls

We used them for supper and made roast beef sandwiches out of them by splitting them in half. I added some homemade mayo, sliced onion and tomato, with a pickle on the side. Mmmmm!
roast beef sandwich

It was nice to be able to enjoy a sandwich again. 🙂

This post is part of the following blog carnivals:
Fight Back Fridays hosted by Food Renegade.
Real Food Wednesday hosted by Kelly the Kitchen Kop

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