
I’m a wife, mom, grandmother. I absolutely love these roles I’ve been given. But the one role that trumps them all is that of being a child of God. In that role, the process of being conformed takes on the greatest importance. And really, being conformed in any other role will always have its roots in my Christianity. I’m a housewife, something I consider a wonderful blessing and a privilege. This allows me the opportunity to do research. A particular area I’ve been led to in the past 18 months or so is that of nutrition. Through this research, God has taught me what was wrong with the way I was eating (and feeding my family) and how to correct it. In this process, I was healed of moderate arthritis and fibromyalgia-like symptoms, as well as depression, and my husband has been healed of lifelong allergies. We still have a ways to go and this blog will be about that journey. The road to wellness. It is my prayer that the things I’ve learned will help others and God will be glorified in it.

7 Responses to About

  1. I had to drop by after your comment on my blog. I am so happy to take a look around! The sourdough dumplings look fabulous and the next cool day (which should be Thursday) I am thinking we need some!

  2. Sarah Smith says:

    I just hopped over here after your comment on my blog. You are right that we sure don’t see many Las Cruces folks in the blog real-food world. I know you said you are from Las Cruces, but where are you at now? It’s good to see your blog and I’m looking forward to checking out your past posts.

    • Hi! Thanks for coming by. 🙂

      I am in a town just outside of St. Louis, called St. Charles, in Missouri. Quite different here! I do love all the trees, though the weather can get a little extreme. I did a post called Green Chile Goodness, that talks about Las Cruces. The green chile here is pretty tasteless compared to there, so I was ordering it from Deming. I did become concerned when I read that some of the green chile there is GMO. Still looking for a confirmed source of non-GMO or some place to buy non-GMO seeds.

      I still have a sister in Deming, but haven’t been back to Cruces for several years.

      Nice to “meet” you. 🙂

  3. Kimberly says:

    Been following your posts on Facebook and enjoy the foods that you post. I am looking forward to more of your recipes! I am thankful that you are not ashamed of the gospel and live that out in your life. I am a soon to be grandmother for the first time this year! I am also new to more nutritional foods and have been researching this a lot lately. My daughter has been extremely sick for two years and we have found out that she is gluten intolerant with lots of other food sensitivities. I have decided to go gluten free myself and find that it helps me to feel better. Thanks for all that you are doing.

    • Thank you for the kind remarks! That’s a real blessing to me! Congratulations on your upcoming grandchild. Being a grandmother is every bit as wonderful as being a parent! I’m sorry to hear your daughter has health issues, but happy to hear you are looking for answers nutritionally. It’s amazing that something we take for granted (food) can have such an impact on our health. Thanks again for following along and for taking time to comment.

  4. I would love to know more about eating the right foods to tackle allergies. Both my husband and myself struggle with them.

    • Hi! I’m sorry it’s been over a year since you commented and I’m just now replying! I hope by now you have found ways to help your allergies. If not, here are the things I suggest that greatly helped my husband. Drinking raw milk. (I’d say that was the #1 thing) We drank raw cow milk for a long time, but gradually switched to raw goat milk. To us, the taste is very similar and it’s easier to digest. You can do a search and see that many people have found allergy relief the same way. Eating bee pollen and/or raw honey from local bees. Avoiding processed foods. Avoiding GMOs (mainly corn, soy, sugar from beets, cotton — found in most vegetable oils). In avoiding GMOs, you pretty much have to avoid grocery store meat that is fed GMOs, along with a bunch of other garbage. If you can find local, grass-fed meat, pastured (soy-free) chicken and eggs, wild caught fish, and stick to organic fruit and veggies, I think it would make a big difference in both allergies and health overall. I also believe that wheat is a cause of many autoimmune disorders, among them allergies. If you can give yourself 2 weeks to eliminate all grains and see how you do, you might be surprised. Though I follow a ketogenic diet, what I mention above also falls under a paleo diet. In looking for recipes and finding variety of foods, I would search under those two headings.
      Hope this helps!

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